Climb on top of the public school and retrieve tennis balls
Go to the pizza parlour and get a steak and cheese sub
Go to Quick Check and buy 3 for a dollar cans of Pepsi to drink with steak and cheese sub
Eat steak and cheese sub in Robbie's basement
Play ping pong
Drive golf balls across Joreen park and into Chris Milner's pool
Try and beat the Legend of Zelda
Go to the concerrvation area Lamoins Point (this was a lot more fun when driving was added to these trips)
Ride your bike into the lake
Go swimming in the lake
Have a bon fire at the lake and hope girls show up
Hang out in front of Quick Check buy glass bottles of Coke and then turn in the bottle for 40 cents worth of candy
Smoke pot and then walk 4 km to Dairy Queen
Jump off the cliff at the quarry
Hang out in front of Quick Check some more
Play guitars in Robbie's basement
Go skateboarding
Throw snowballs at cars
Throw snowballs at a bus
Get served under age at the Chinese restaurant
Cut lawns for money
Shovel snow for money
Ride your bike to the mall and buy 2 4 1 pizza, Pavement and Ween cds and posters of Cindy Crawford
Watch Dazed and Confused over and over and over
Watch a Clockwork Orange over and over and over
Steal a Playboy from Quick Check
Hang out in front of Quick Check some more
Push a haybail onto the road
Walk around at night
Take a bus to the mall and smoke cigarettes in the food court
Listen to Green Day and the Offsping over and over and while playing NHL 94 on Sega
Steal golf balls from the Celebrity Sports World driving range
Hit golf balls into the lake and then go and find them
Play Frisbee (this involved 2 people tossing a frisbee to each other on the road)
Play 500 up (basically hit baseballs for your friends to catch)
Go to a party and hit on girls from other high schools
Date said girls for a week until their older boyfriends find out
Stay in Robbie's basement until the coast is clear
Go pool hopping (jumping into strangers pools at night when they're asleep)
Dye your hair
Shave the sides of your head your head (the under-cut)
Cat walk your bike down some steps
Go to the hospital
Fall out of a tree
Go to the hospital
Get drunk and fall off a roof
Suck it up and don't go to the hospital because your parents will find out you got drunk and fell off a roof
Just walk around
Talk about seeing a girl topless
Talk about how much more fun things will be when you can drive

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