Kingston was probably the whitest place in the entire world. It was old and white. The city was one of the first settlements in Canada and it's close to 400 years old (I just got back from Vienna though and apparently that's not that old.) It was settled by white British people, it was home to the first Prime Minister of Canada Sir John A McDonald and it was the first capital of Canada. Everyone had the last name Smith, McDonald, Johnson or Anderson. And because I grew up in the suburbs every kid was named, Ryan, Brian, Matt, Robert, Chris, Karen and Jessica. There are no black people in Kingston. Wel,l in actuality their are probably something like 100 black families spread out over a city of 160,000 people. I'd say that would put it in the range of housing about 40 black people and that's probably being generous. We had some Philippino kids and lots of Portuguese families but that was basically our extent of diversity. Even so, Portuguese kids are pretty damn close to being white and all the Philippino kids were either into skate punk, dj Shadow or Notorious BIG and both were Catholic so they were not exactly separated from the Johnson's and the Smiths of the town. What were they going to instead anyways? They all grew up in white suburban culture too. And, what did it matter? None of them when to my high school they all went to Catholic school so I had no chance of exploring non white, white kid culture. Any real shot of being effected by other cultures was totally out of reach unless you want to count Marilyn Manson (he was a hot ticket in the 90's.)
My high school was something like the second oldest secondary school in Canada, it was built in 1792. It was incredibly old in every respect. It was also on Queens University campus which is probably the most elite university to go to in Canada. So what happens? Well, rich people in Canada are old and white and they send their rich white kids to school in Kingston. So now we have more white kids! And not only that... rich, snotty white kids! And the only thing they brought to the city was a "better than you" attitude and occasionally good hash.
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