OK so I can't dance, not in any trained or conventional manner. But I did form a style of dancing that is both original and totally ripped off. Obviously I put my own spin on it, but it was a style of dancing pretty indigenous to alternative music listening between 1994 and 1996. I don't have a name for this dancing but its similar to skanking, some may call it freak dancing. I first saw it at an all ages show in a high school gym in 1995, a girl named Becky Weston was dancing in brown cords, a cardigan and combat boots to a band called the Stillborns. She was waving her arms like you would in a skank, arms bent and moving side to side but her feet weren't kicking out and she wasn't spinning around. More and more after that I saw other kids doing this, and at the time I didn't question it but now I wonder who came up with this? Soon after I saw people dancing like this in a 1996 documentary about the north west music explosion "Hype" and also in the crappy film portrait of mid 90's style and music "Empire Records." OK so it was great to see Liv Tyler in a tight sweater, plaid skirt and docs one more time, but that doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't care about any characters in the movie at all.
Anyhow this is the only way I have ever danced. I dance this way all rock music I enjoy and I even danced like this once at a Latin dance club to horrified onlookers. At a local concert when I was 16 (again in the same QECVI high school gym) I danced so hard like this, jumping, flailing, my legs tossing around like limp noodles, I pulled out my groin and couldn't try out for rugby.
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